Time to refresh your hanging baskets and pots.
Winter / spring flowering violas are flowering away now and will continue to flower throughout the winter months. We have got a few ready filled hanging baskets for sale.
We have a few bulbs left and will be potting them up next week. This is a perfect time to plant them out, especially the tulips, for a spectacular show in the spring. Click below for what we have in stock now.
Bulbs September 2015
Rudbeckia ‘Bravado’, Schizostylis ‘Mrs Hegarty’ and yellow Achilleas are still flowering – great last minute food source for the bees.
The Witch Hazels and Mahonia are covered in flower buds. They will have fragrant flowers in the winter. Corylus avellana ‘Contorta’ – Corkscrew hazel are showing off their twisted branches with the catkins which will dangle down in the winter. The evergreen shrubs are looking good…..