Hardy Perennials

Posted on:
Mar 26, 24

Spring flowering bulbs, perennials and alpines, evergreen shrubs, roses, climbers, fruit trees and herbs

Spring flowering bulbs – Hyacinths, Daffodils, Tulips, Alliums, Anemones,  snakes head fritillary, Cammasia…

Fruit trees – cherries, apple, plums and pears are covered in flower buds.

Herbs – sage, lavender, thymes, chives, bronze fennel….

Evergreen and spring flowering alpines – Aubrietias, Saxifragas, Sedums, Phlox, Pulsatilla….

Shrubs – Camellias, Azaleas, Pieries, Hebes, rock roses, Vincas, Cornus, Ceanothus, Nandina….

Roses – Selection of Hybrid Teas, Floribundas, Shrubs and Climbers all pruned and top dressed ready for planting out.

Climbers – Clematis, Jasmines, Honeysuckles, Wisterias….

Hardy Herbaceous Perennials – Delphiniums, Oriental Poppies, Hollyhocks, Erigeron, Bergamot, Leucanthemums / Ox eye daisies, Aster, Rudbeckia, Echinacea’s, Crocosmias ……more emerging every day after their winter rest.