We have got a few specimen plants for sale from a gold medal show garden designed by Leon Davis at the RHS Tatton Park show. Check out his website at www.leondavis.co.uk All the flowers are bee friendly so the bees have been having a feast.
The last of the bedding plants are putting on a colourful show in the sales tunnel. Pot them up or put them in the border, then just water, liquid feed and dead-head regularly for all summer colour until October.
This year we have grown a few annual ornamental grasses – great for breaking up other showy plants and adding movement.
The summer herbaceous perennials are either flowering now – Achilleas, Leucanthemums, Veronicas, Astilbes….covered in buds – Crocosmias, Verbenas, Rudbeckias….or waiting their turn later on – Schizostylis, Asters, Perovskia…
The shrubs that are flowering away now are Hebes, Potentillas and Hydrangeas.
Climbers – Summer flowering Clematis, Jasmines, Honeysuckles.
The roses are forming more buds for their next showing…..