It is a perfect time to plant fruit trees. The ground is still warm and lovely and moist!
All our fruit trees are on semi-dwarf rootstock and self-fertile so the trees don’t get massive (approx 19ft) and just one tree will bear fruit.
Look in the ‘Grow Your Own’ section for latest availability.
We have a small selection of Winter and Spring Bulbs at the nursery for planting out now.
- Allium christophii
- Allium Purple Sensation
- Anemone blanda
- Chionodoxa forbesii Pink Giant
- Crocus species mixed
- Fritillaria meleagris / Snake’s head fritillary
- Galanthus nivalis / Snowdrops
- Ipheon uniflorum Wisley Blue
- Iris reticulate Harmony
- Miniature Daffodil Pipit
- Miniature Daffodil Tete-a-Tete
- Puschkinia libanotica
- Scilla siberica
A selection of Tulips will be available in November.
Tulip bulbs should be planted out when the soil is cold to help prevent tulip fire, a Botrytis-type fungus. They can be planted any time between November and January.