We will open the gate to you all on Wednesday 7th March.
Meanwhile behind the closed gate…..we have been busy sowing the first lot of seeds of the year in the cosy propagation tunnel. Now we are looking after the delicate seedlings of ornamental sweet peas, stocks, snapdragons, lupins, lobelias, pansies, gazanias etc. First lot of tomatoes, peppers, broad beans, cabbage, celeriac have also germinated.
Roses, clematis, some trees and shrubs have been pruned.
Now we have got to wait for the ground to thaw out before we can get on with divisions, cuttings, potting on…
And now (6.3.18)?….The big catch-up has begun!
Waiting for the bare root fruit bushes to arrive from Scotland!
Large selection of spring bulbs are coming up and Polyanthus are flowering away in the shelter of the display house, giving us hope that spring will be here soon.