Outside the spring bulbs have started to flower; buds on the shrubs are swelling; herbaceous perennials are emerging; evergreen and spring flowering alpines are covered in flower buds; birds are singing and nest building; frogs are out and about….
Inside the first lot of seeds have been sown and the potted spring bulbs have emerged and some have started to flower… the new season has begun and spring is here!
We have been busy at the nursery over the last few of weeks despite the stormy weather. Sowing the first lot of seeds of the year and taking cuttings in the propagation tunnel. Tidying up, pruning and potting up hardy shrubs, roses, climbers, herbs and perennials in the potting tunnel.
It’s lovely going in every day to see lots more seeds of all shapes and sizes have germinated on our large heated table, the buds swelling more on the hardy shrubs, roses, trees and climbers, the herbaceous perennials tentatively showing themselves above the ground and getting bolder by the day, the spring flowering bulbs and alpines preparing for their early show of colour with more flower buds every day….
Even after all these years (my 32nd year!) I’m still awe-struck, comforted and re-assured by the magic and natural rhythm of the seasons.
The first lot of seedlings and cuttings are coming on nicely – sweet peas, tomatoes, hot peppers, cabbage, cauliflower, marigolds, lobelia, stocks, petunias, snapdragons…
The sowing of vegetables, herbs and bedding plants seeds and cuttings of tender perennials will continue on the well-used propagation table for a few more months.
The bare root fruit trees and fruit bushes have been potted up.
Now we are working through our large selection of herbaceous perennials – tidying, dividing and potting them up.
LOTS of division and cuttings to do and of course, the inevitable weeding.
Busy, exciting times ahead. Hope we can keep up with it!