Re-open on Wednesday 1st March

Posted on:
Feb 28, 17

Nursery gate opens to you all on Wednesday 1st March – a sure sign that spring is round the corner?

It’s all go at the nursery – already!

In the propagation tunnel, sowing of vegetables, herbs and bedding plants continues. The first lot of seedlings and cuttings are nearly ready for potting up – sweet peas, tomatoes, hot peppers, marigolds, lobelia, cabbage, cauliflower, broad beans, snapdragons, cosmos and so much more.

The shrubs, climbers and herbs have been tidied up.

We have started working through our large selection of herbaceous perennials which are just poking out of the compost, tidying, dividing and potting up.

The bare root roses and fruit trees arrive this week and the fruit bushes arrive next week.

LOTS of division and cuttings to do and of course, the inevitable weeding.

AND we open the gate to you all on Wednesday!