Mosaic Workshop & Pop up Cafe

Posted on:
May 8, 14

An outdoor mosaic workshop for children

as part of Chorlton Arts Festival activities

on Saturday 17th May at 11am to 2pm

Children aged 7 plus will be able to work on small individual sections of a big mosaic. All children must be accompanied by an adult.

The theme will be spring flowers and bees. We will use broken tiles, glass pebbles and recycled materials. The final masterpiece will be displayed at the nursery.

Booking in advance is recommended as space is limited. Call 0161 8818142, email or better still, pop into the nursery.

We have decided to break the session into hour slots:

11am to 12 noon, 12noon to 1pm and 1pm to 2pm with 5 children per hour.

So far the 11am to 12 noon slot is full.

Geraldine will have a pop up café at the nursery