The nursery has opened it’s gates to you all. A sure sign that spring is round the corner.
The snowdrops and primroses are flowering away
welcoming us in.
Herbaceous perennials are starting to peek above the ground and the buds are swelling on the shrubs and climbers. Evergreens are looking great.
The first lot of tomatoes, peppers, brassicas…. are looking happy in the warm propagation tunnel, as are the sweet peas, lobelias, petunias, marigolds….. and it’s filling up fast.
Bare root roses, fruit bushes and trees arrive this week for us to pot up, ready for you around Easter. Summer and autumn raspberry canes and seed potatoes will be out for sale this weekend.
I’ll try to update the website regularly with availability of fruit and vegetable seedlings, Looking Good etc. Give me a couple of weeks to get into the flow.
It’s a good thing that the days are getting longer!