- Plant spring bulbs and bedding; wallflowers, forget me nots, bellis, primulas, violas, pansies
- Take advantage of the warm, moist soil to plant out new herbaceous perennials
- October is an ideal time for moving and planting trees, shrubs and climbers, as well as for hedge planting!
- Plant out spring cabbages and winter kale
- Clear falling leaves on a regular basis – they can be composted to make leafmould.
- Cut back all perennials that have died down
- Divide herbaceous perennials and rhubarb crowns
- Move tender plants into your conservatory or greenhouse
- Prune climbing roses
- Wait for the first frost to hit dahlias and cannas before lifting the tubers or rhizomes.
- Maintain alpines by removing fallen leaves and covering with extra grit to encourage more growth
- Shrubs such as Buddleja davidii, Cornus alba, and Lavatera can be cut back by half now.