- Prune June-flowering shrubs such as Philadelphus and Weigela after flowering. Prune deciduous magnolias if necessary. Prune climbing and rambling roses that do not repeat flower or produce attractive hips, once the flowers have finished.
- Tie-in climbers and ramblers as they grow.
- Ensure newly planted trees and shrubs do not dry out. They often need much more water than people imagine
- Remove rose suckers and tree suckers.
- Cut back the foliage and stems of herbaceous plants that have already died back such as Dicentra
- Don’t neglect hanging baskets – deadheading, watering and feeding will help them last through until autumn.
- Deadhead plants such as Dahlia, roses and Penstemon and shrubs and bedding to extend flowering well into early autumn.
- Don’t cut off the flowerheads of ornamental grasses. These will provide winter interest.
- Hardy geraniums can be cut back slightly to remove tired leaves and encourage a new flush of growth.
- Alpines that have developed bare patches of die-back, or have become weedy, can be tidied up by in-filling the patches with gritty compost. This will encourage new growth as well as improving their appearance.
- Earwigs can make Dahlia blooms ragged. Set traps to reduce damage.
- Prune Wisteria and shrubs such as Pyracantha after flowering. Hebes and lavenders can also be given a light prune after flowering.
- Thoroughly soak drought-stressed plants and shrubs, especially newly planted ones.
- Keep early-flowering shrubs such as Camellia and Rhododendron well watered during dry periods to ensure good flower bud initiation
- Black spot on roses is very common at this time of year, and spraying will no longer be effective. Clear fallen leaves and burn them to prevent spread.
- Keep an eye out for powdery mildew as it can be a problem in dry summers.